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Detect Cancer Early Melanoma Funding

Fri 2nd November 2018 | Project

On 26th October, NHS Tayside Dermatology Department received confirmation that our recent bid to obtain funding from the Detect Cancer Early (DCE) Programme had been successful.


£67,529 has been granted for the integration of a new image system and implementation of its mobile application across Tayside which will benefit the local population initially; with an aim to benefit the entire population of NHS Scotland in the years that follow.


The NHS Tayside Dermatology Department is in the vanguard of digital imaging technology through a variety of work streams.  We are delighted that the DCE Team shares our vision of technological application in clinical care.


For further information about the DCE Programme, please follow this link: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Health/Services/Cancer/Detect-Cancer-Early